
  • In 1925, R.E. Flanders described the use of product-oriented departments to manufacture parts with a minimum of transportation between workstations, this proposal can be considered the beginning of a technological group.
  • In 1937, A.P. Sokolovski proposed that parts with similar characteristics and using similar machinery to manufacture them can be classified in the same group. During the 1960s, this concept was taken up and further developed in the United Kingdom, when J.L. Burbidge developed a system based on this premise, and over the next 20 years Burbidge's ideas spread worldwide.
  • In 1959, Soviet Union researcher S. Miltrofanov published his book Scientific Principles of group technology. The book was widely accepted and considered as an inspiration for about 800 plants in the Soviet Union to use technological group by 1965.
  • In 1970, the German H. Opitz studied the way parts were manufactured on machine tools in companies in his native country and developed the well-known system of coding and classifying machined parts that bears his name, the Opitz system.

These philosophies triggered worldwide the concept of Group Technology (GT) which are based on the idea that similar products should be made similarly. technological group can not only be applied to parts but can also be used in administrative processes. In the United States, the first implementation of group technology was in 1969 at Langston Division of Harris-Intertype in New Jersey. As a result of this initiative, the company improved productivity by 50% and reduced its downtime from weeks to days.

In this chapter, manufacturing cells will be analyzed, as well as some algorithms for their design.



9.1 Manufacturing cell design

Batch manufacturing is considered one of the most common manufacturing systems worldwide, and for decades efforts to improve this process have focused on increasing efficiency and productivity. These advances, coupled with the integration of design and manufacturing functions, were the basis for the emergence of Group Technology (GT). In the following sections you will learn more about these concepts.

Technology groups (TGs) are a manufacturing philosophy in which similar parts are identified and grouped to take advantage of their similarities in design and manufacturing method, this grouping of parts is commonly known as a family of parts (figure 1).

Figure 1. Example of a family of parts


Another of the objectives of the technological group is to divide the entire plant into small entities or groups of machines called cells. Each cell is dedicated to manufacturing a set of specific parts. The term of cellular manufacturing it is used to refer to this arrangement of machines.

The connotation of a group of machines refers to an arrangement of two or three machines, and rarely exceed five, a typical manufacturing cell usually contains Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, automatic material handling systems, automatic inspection systems and sometimes even several robotic components (industrial robots, autonomous vehicles, among others).

Cellular manufacturing

Cellular manufacturing is an application of technological group in which machines are grouped into cells, where each cell is dedicated to the manufacture of a part or a family of parts, the objectives of cellular manufacturing are similar to the objectives of technological group.


The design of the cell is critical in cellular manufacturing, as it will largely determine the performance of the group. The cells used in the technological group can be classified based on the number of machines and the degree to which the material travels between machines, the most common configurations of the cells are the following:


Cellular manufacturing is appropriate for medium volumes and varieties of production, if the product has high manufacturing volumes, it is better to consider flexible assembly lines, if the production volume is very low, then it is better to consider simple stations.

To learn about the automation of manufacturing cells, check out the following video:

MTDCNC. (2021, February 25). Mills CNC's SYNERGi Automated Manufacturing Cells [Video file]. Retrieved from

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9.2 Binary ordering algorithm

Quantitative analysis of cellular manufacturing

Many quantitative techniques have been developed to solve the problems of technology groups and cellular manufacturing, in this section you will cover the problem from two points of view, the first is to group parts and machines in families; the second is the arrangement of machines within the technology group, to achieve these two heuristics can be applied to solve both problems.

Steps to follow


Click on each step for more information.


Where N = Total number of columns and K is the position of the column counted from left to right.


Get the weight of each line and sort from highest to lowest.


Sort the lines from highest to lowest based on the ranking.

Get the ranking of each column.

Based on the ranking, sort the columns from highest to lowest and from left to right.

  • Manufacturing cells (A and B).
  • Cell A formed by the machines 4, 1, 3, 11, 5, 6.
  • B-cell formed by the machines 12, 2, 8, 9, 7, 10.

  • Cell A. Family A of parts (2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 3).
  • Cell B. Family B of parts (10, 6, 1, 9 and 3).
  • Part 3 will enter cell 1 and then cell 2.


9.3 Direct clustering algorithm

Steps for its construction

If we index the matrix M(n x m) assigning to the lines the letter i and to the columns with the letter j, we have the following:

  1. For each line, calculate the number of positive wi cells and arrange the lines in descending order.
  2. For each column, calculate the number of positive wj cells and arrange the columns in ascending order.
  3. For each line i =1 through n, move column j to the right if (Mij = 1), maintaining the order of the previous lines.
  4. For each column j = m through 1, move line i up if positive (Mij = 1), maintaining the order of the previous columns.
  5. If the current matrix is the same as the previous matrix, the algorithm terminates, otherwise return to step 3.
  6. Determine the number of cells and their contents.
  7. Determine the number of families and their contents.


Matrix of machines (i) and products (j)


Click on each step for more information.

Continue step 3 by running the lines to the right.



  • Cell 1. Formed by machines C, B, F.
  • Cell 2. Formed by the machines D, E, A.

  • Cell 1 enters the family 1 formed by the products 3, 4, 6.
  • Cell 2 enters the family 2 formed by the products 2, 1, 5.


4. Conclusion

To learn about the grouping algorithm, check out the following video:

Ramzi Fayad. (2021, February 24). Direct Grouping Algorithm | Bottleneck Machines | Cellular Layout | Cells Layout | Facility Layout [Video file]. Retrieved from

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The technological group and cellular manufacturing are manufacturing philosophies that introduced the concept of flexibility in industrial production, before the GT and cellular manufacturing, there were rigid systems such as assembly lines that were oriented to large production volumes, but with very little flexibility.

The technological group focused their efforts on classifying and coding parts according to their characteristics, generating different methodologies for this, such as Optiz. As a result of the implementation of these methodologies, product families are obtained. For its part, cellular manufacturing focused its efforts on designing machine arrays (layouts) that would allow a more agile and efficient manufacturing of the part families.

Technology groups and cellular manufacturing found a very important ally in automation, since the machines that made up the manufacturing cells and that were operated manually evolved to be fully automated machines.

The operators who were responsible for feeding and unloading the machines, including inspecting the parts and products, were replaced by robotic systems and automated inspection techniques.

Imagine if you were hired as a manufacturing engineer in a company that manufactures desktop computers, and you had the responsibility of forming technology groups.


Where would you start?
What parts of the computer do you think could form a product family?
What machines would you buy to form the manufacturing cells?
What level of automation would you consider the most suitable for the cells?



Make sure that you:

  • Comprehend the concept of cellular manufacturing.
  • Create cellular manufacturing systems using the binary ordering algorithm.
  • Design cellular manufacturing systems using the direct grouping algorithm.

  • Groover, M. (2018). Automation Production System and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (5th ed.). United States: Pearson.
Additional Resources

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To learn more about mass production process, watch the following video:

To learn more about lean manufacturing, watch the following video:

To learn more about flow systems, watch the following video:

To learn more about engineered systems, watch the following video:


To learn more about the binary sorting algorithm, we recommend reading:

To learn more about the direct clustering algorithm, recommend reading:

Activity 9. Manufacturing cell design


From the analysis of a case, the student will apply the binary ordering algorithm to design a manufacturing cell and optimize the manufacturing process involved.


To apply the concepts of manufacturing cell design by means of the binary ordering algorithm.


Read the topic 18.4 Analysis of Cellular Manufacturing from the textbook.

  • Groover, M. (2018). Automation Production System and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (5th ed.). United States: Pearson.


Read the following problem carefully and solve the questions posed.

  1. A mechanical components’ factory has a basic list of products (see Table 1) that are manufactured on a functional production line, as shown in figure 1.


Figure 1. Distribution of the production line







Lathe machine-2
Milling machine-1



Milling machine-3
Lathe machine-1



Lathe machine-2
Saw machine-1
Milling machine-1



Saw machine-1
Polishing machine-1
Milling machine-2



Polishing machine-1
Milling machine-1



Cutting machine-1
Milling machine-1



Polishing machine-2
Turning machine-1
Milling machine-3



Cutting machine-2
Milling machine-2

Table 1. List of manufactured products


The owner of the company is about to sign a sales contract, but the established requirements are that he must deliver the parts within a certain time limit. Otherwise, it will incur penalties. The company has no options to purchase more machinery, so it must fulfill the order with the current machinery.
According to the exercise, apply the binary ordering algorithm and calculate the following:


    1. The number of cells.
    2. The machines in each cell.
    3. The product families to be manufactured in each cell.
    4. The difference in time to manufacture all products between the current layout (per process) and the proposed layout (cellular).

Moving times between machines are 10 minutes between adjacent areas and two minutes between machines in the same area. It is not possible to move diagonally. Only up to four machines are allowed per area, and it is not possible to move the receiving area or the sending area.


  1. Develop a summary where you present your results including the evidence of the calculations performed. Add a short conclusion on what you learned at the end of the document.



Document with the development of the activity and evidence of the calculations performed to obtain the results.


The student will solve manufacturing cell design exercises by applying the binary ordering algorithm and the direct grouping heuristic.


Solve the following manufacturing cell design exercises using the binary ordering algorithm and the direct clustering heuristic, in each case obtain the following values.

  1. The number of required cells
  2. The machines included in each cell
  3. The product families to be manufactured in each cell

Exercise 1

Exercise 2